Rector's page


Evgeny Nikolaevich Trofimov, Doctor of Political Sciences, Rector of the Russian International Academy for Tourism, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education,
Member of the Board of Directors of the International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO),
Member of the Board of Directors of the International Association supporting Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training (EURHODIP).
Evgeny Trofimov, was born on June 5, 1946 in the village of Novoselitskoye, Novoselitsky district, Stavropol Region.
1969 – Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (with honors).
1976 – Stavropol Agricultural Institute.
1985 – Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (with honors).
Academic degree: Doctor of Political Sciences.
Academic title: Professor.
He is married, has a daughter, son, grandchildren.
Evgeny Trofimov is an honorary citizen of the Novoselitsky district and he is included in the list of "Our heroes and outstanding countrymen".
Since 1969 – worked as a teacher at the school of working youth village secondary school.
Since 1975 – worked on organizational and party work in the Stavropol Region and in Karachay-Cherkessia.
Since 1983 – Head of the sector of Belarus and the Baltic States, Deputy Head of the Department for Legislative Initiatives and Legal Issues in the Central Committee of the CPSU, Moscow
1991-1997 – Vice-President of the joint-stock company "TV-inform".
Subsequently, he participated in the implementation of socio-political projects at the federal level.
In the 2000 presidential election he was a trustee of presidential candidate of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
In 2003-2007 – Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities.
Since 2008 – Vice-Rector of the RIAT for Public Relations.
Since 2009 – the first Vice-rector of the Academy, supervising issues of international and public relations, management of regional educational structures (branches) of the RIAT, financial and economic activities of the Academy.
Having extensive experience in solving national problems, Evgeny Trofimov actively used it for the development of the Russian International Academy for Tourism, strengthening its staff, improving the quality of training specialists, establishing effective relations of the Academy with state and regional governing bodies and education. Initiator of the development Concept for the development of RIAT branches. Member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Sports and Tourism. Member of the Board of the International Organization of Social Tourism.
As a professor of the Department of General Humanitarian Disciplines, he teaches the author's course "Tourism and features of multinational Russia" to the students of the Academy. He is the author of three monographic studies and numerous articles on interethnic relations, the development of tourism and its social component, the organization of professional tourism education.
With his participation, a number of Russian and international scientific and practical conferences were held within the framework of the RIAT, in particular the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern model of professional tourism education and its legislative support" (May 2010) Interregional scientific and practical conference "Problems of development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Moscow region" (November 2010), Moscow Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Religion" (November 2012), etc.
- The Order of Honor;
- Order "For Service to the Fatherland I degree";
- Order of Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow I degree;
- Order of Ivan Kalita (the highest award of the Moscow region);
- Medal "For Labor valor";
- Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow";
- Medal "For Services to the Stavropol Region";
- Medal "Federation Council 25 years";
- Gratitude "For the great contribution to the development of the branch trade union movement in Russia and in connection with the 75th Anniversary";
- Honorary Diploma of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
- Honorary Diploma of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
- Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
- Honorary Diploma of the Federal Agency for Tourism;
- Diploma of the Russian Union of Tourism Industry;
- The Honorary Sign "Thank You" of the Governor of the Moscow Region;
- Honorary Diploma of the Russian Hotel Association;
- Honorary Diploma of the Moscow City Tourism Committee
On March 4, 2013, at the Collective Conference, Evgeny Trofimov was elected Rector of the Russian International Academy for Tourism.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia awarded Evgeny Trofimov the title of "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation". Evgeny Trofimov is a Member of the Board of Directors of the International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO), Member of the Board of Directors of the International Association supporting Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training (EURHODIP) and other public organizations in Russia and abroad.
As a result of the unanimous support given to Evgeny Trofimov's candidacy in March 2018, Viktor Pugiev, as the founder, officially appointed Trofimov as rector of the Russian International Academy for Tourism for the period 2018-2023.
On December 14, 2022, the XX Conference of Employees and Students of the Academy was held at the Russian International Academy for Tourism.
The delegates of the conference were adressed by the President of JSC "Central Council for Tourism and Recreation" (holding) Viktor Pugiev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, full member of the National Academy of Tourism. The Russian International Academy for Tourism was founded by Viktor Pugiev, the head of the holding. According to the Charter of the RIAT, the sole founder may independently extend the rector's powers by informing the Academy staff.
In a short speech, Viktor Pugiev noted the high efficiency of the activity of the Rector of the Academy, Evgeny Trofimov, emphasizing, that he is currently the most suitable candidate for the position of head of the Russian International Academy for Tourism. . Unlike anyone else, Evgeny Trofimov represents the significance of the tasks facing the team and is capable of finding solutions to them. Viktor Pugiev focused on the main directions of the multifaceted activities of Evgeny Trofimov as rector of the RIAT.
The founder's decision to extend the powers of the Rector of the Academy Evgeny Trofimov for another five-year term (2023-2028) was supported by the delegates’ applause.